PowerPoint Presentation

The Beauty of Barns

Strategic Management Report

John Koval was the head of the Sociology Department when we first met. A business associate, Paul Connor of Ships, Inc., referred me to him. I had been putting together ship histories for Paul Connor for a couple of years at the time. Mr. Koval wanted me to categorize video scenes of various festivals throughout the United States and Ireland. Mr. Koval was in the process of restoring a barn  in Walworth County into a livable residence. This is where I first became interested in old barns.

The barn bug hit me as I traveled throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. From there it spread to Ohio, Tennessee, Florida and California. I realized that these magnificent treasures were either being torn down, burned or just plain fell down. I decided to document the Beauty of Barns in a book that I am now in the midst of editing for publication in the near future. Chronicled in my final paper for my Bachelor’s Degree in Management is a PowerPoint presentation which outlines the process I used to bring The Beauty of Barns book to publication.

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